Wednesday 28 April 2010

Illustrated elephant

Silly little painting for another blog called illustrated elephant

Tuesday 27 April 2010

some old animal paintings

Some acrylic and oil paintings on canvas i did at the end of last year

Dorling Kindersley, Fairy Tales

More work for DK, this time based on Fairy Tales, yet again rough presentation stuff, but at least here you can see them with the text etc as they would be layed out. Missing a third spread of a mermaid but thats because i forgot to save it, oops! Again waiting to hear whether i've got the whole book to illustrate, want to know now!

Dorling Kindersley, Weird creatures

Here are two illustrations i did Recently for a book presentation for DK based on weird creatures around the world. They are for double page spreads and will have texst around them when done, Still only at very rough stage, waiting to hear back whether i'll be illustrating a whole book for them! One of them is an Aye Aye, endangered nocturnal animal, (this ones a baby) the other is a giant squid.

Finally off my arse!

Hey all, new to all this blogging stuff but thought it was about time to get off my arse and do one! So here goes!!!